March 31, 2025


  1. I misplaced a number and mistakenly recharged a wrong number . Please what can I do about it

  2. Pls I mistakenly paid into dstv in stead of gotv, pls help me redirect it to gotv, though the iuc number is correct

  3. 7552206908 I have paid More than my 60gh subscription please call 0543003456 for help

  4. I have paid for my subscription for 60gh but nothing was showing so I have to paid another 60gh for the same subscription but I have received the same channel so I wanted a refund for my 60gh

  5. Hi I payed in wrong account can you please help me instant of 039 I put 093 at the end of my account number

  6. Hi I payed in wrong account can you please help me instant of 039 I put 093 at the end of my account number

  7. I paid twice and I need help to get my money back icuACK3ITTP8T Completed. KES 1,599.00 paid to GOTV for 8063719269 on 20/03/2023

  8. Am Gabriel olajide samuel
    With IUC/SC: 8212576242 I mistakenly paid #2,950 ON MY DSTV AND I WANT REFUND INTO MY BANK ACCOUNT PLEASE.

  9. My name is Anunobi Patricia smartcard number 1021127156. I wrongly pay to hdpor access/ extravier #2900 instead of dstv yanga bouquet e36 which am supposed to pay #2950 please help me to reverse it and tell me how to pay the balance of #50

  10. I ogbue Anthony with iuc number 2028965697 misplaced one number in trying to activate my subscription through my phone which i paid from my Access account number 0034968168. I will be happy if my report is being treated as a matter of urgency. Thanks.

  11. I mistaken paid 8200 to 41016038196 instead of 4101603819 and money was deducted from my account, how can I get my refund

  12. This is Fikemi I paid thrice and it was deducted thrice,,, can my money be refunded?

  13. Good evening,am Olajumoke Esther by name I mistakenly subscribe into this ICU number 7017575288 with this name ADE OLORI instead of 7017675288 with the name AKEREJOLA PATRIC this afternoon around 2:30-3:01 from my Momo Agent Account Wallet

  14. Good evening,am Olajumoke Esther by name I mistakenly subscribe into this ICU number 7017575288 with this name ADE OLORI instead of 7017675288 with the name AKEREJOLA PATRIC this afternoon around 2:30-3:01 from my Momo Agent Account Wallet

  15. I mistakenly subscribe for dis I UC No 4613872081 when I want to subscribe for this I UC No 4613872061 on 4/6/2022 this is d ref number GoTV payment of NGN 4,150.00 for 4613872081 was successful. REF: 1106201111649

  16. Dear Daniel, there is no policy for cash refund. However, you are now entitled to view your channels for two months consecutively….or as many months as your money can accommodate.

    Thank you.

  17. Hi my Name is Daniel..I mistakenly make 5,300 payment twice and how can I get my refund

  18. Hi my name is Mrs Anna adegbolahon I mistakingly sobcribed in to another ICU account and please I want to transfer the money from the wrong account to the right account here is the wrong ICU number(8057958615)here is the right ICU number (8057958415) please do it fast.

  19. my name is akeem, please,l need help ,l mistakenly made payment into gotv instead of dstv yanga , gotv l did was jolli 2460. what is my balance n how do l go about it.
    iuc- 7034713160, name obiora.

  20. Dear GOtv subscriber, sorry for the subscription payment challenges. You can have your money redirected to the correct GOtv account by sending an Email directly to MultiChoice GOtv stating the following…. DATE OF PAYMENT, AMOUNT AND PACKAGE PAID, THE WRONG IUC NUMBER, THE CORRECT IUC NUMBER, THE REFERENCE NUMBER GENERATED IN THE PAYMENT NOTIFICATION, YOUR GOTV ACCOUNT NAME, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL….. Send these information as an Email to….

  21. Pls I need your help. I subscribe on my gotv on two different bank account. My money was deducted buh my gotv isn’t working.. 2019196866 that’s my IUC NO. Pls it’s either my money is being refunded or pls help me find solution. Thanks

  22. I made wrong payment to the wrong gotv account, please how do I get refunded?

  23. I mistakenly subscribe 2,460 to 7020820419
    Instead of 7020820418
    How can it be fixed 😨😨

  24. Hi my is rukayat lawal,I mistakenly subscribed to gotv instead of dstv …..plz help…my uic number is 7031057992

  25. Hello I mistakenly subscribed 20,460 instead 2,460 on the smart card number 7036891515 Gotv
    please can you reverse it and give me back my money.

  26. I mistakenly paid in subscription twice (2) for gotv and and I need a refund of one please

  27. Please I made a wrong payment to this gotv account IUC NUMBER: 7023716291
    And my IUC number is 7023712691 my name is Joseph victoria and I would love it to be resolved

  28. Please the right account is 2019409442 not 7026897544 the name is GODWIN HENRY OBANDE, 3600 waiting for your response

  29. I paid into a wrong account and I refund back since Sunday 9:00 still 11:00 please3055413396 my iuc number 4620817748

  30. I did a wrong transaction on my Gotv and I need a refund 3055413396 please my iuc number is 4620817748

  31. Please help me I made error payment to worry gotv channel gotv lite410 instead of THE GOTV JOLLI 2,460 and the GOTV JOLLI 2,460 payment have be made please help me to upgrade IUC 4613170388

  32. Please a payment was made to a Gotv account instead of DStv please how can we convert the payment. This is the iuc number for gotv-7039668021.
    And the DStv number-7039668021.
    The name- farida bello.
    Phone number- 08065879706.
    Paid 2460 for Gotv jolli instead of DStv yanga 2565.
    Please how can we convert it.
    It was done today. 31/07/20.

  33. Hello
    Please I mistakenly do subscription of 14000 for 2month as compact subscription instead of 5200 for 2month on DSTV ICU 7033840123,is it possible the balance can be refund. Just did the transaction today 4:43pm

  34. Hello my name is amudipe kayode I made a subscription to a wrong iuc number and my iuc number is 4601633395 and the wrong one is 2009560630

  35. Plss I mistakenly did dstv padi sub for a customer using dstv yanga nd 1,850# was deducted instantly nd dey later deducted 2,565# from my account instead of topping up with 715# av called multichoice nd dey ask for all d details listed above
    Transaction ID 6349222283
    User ID :ck 100047044
    Smart card no 7017061255
    For refunding of d money pls kindly use dis account 0558259771 gtbank , christianah arowosegbe
    I will be grateful if my complain is given an urgent reply nd attention

  36. I mistakenly subscribed 10,925 instead 1,900 on the smart card number 7023665073 Gotv
    please can you reverse it and give me back my money

  37. I mistakenly subscribed 10,925 instead 1,900 on the smart card number 7023665073 Gotv
    please can you reverse it and give me back my money

  38. I wantEmmanueled to subscribe for gotv of 1900 . they deducted 18455. Pls I want you to send me back my balance of 16555. Into my account . 0253406997. GTB . Name oghoghorie . Phone number. 08163221689

  39. I mistakenly credited my Dstv #440,600 instant of #4,460. How do I reverse the money.

  40. My name is Ehis Ekata Joseph I paid 1900 on my gotv and is still on gotv jolli please how can I retrieve back my money since it did not work

  41. Please i paid with wrong IUC number 4622510156 instead of 4622510155 Gotv subscription. I’ll appreciate if it can be reversed. Did subscription today.

  42. Good evening, please i made payment for my subscription but with wrong IUC number typed 4622510156 instead of 4622510155 please i’ll appreciate if it can be reserved. Thank you. The payment was done this evening.

  43. Please help I paid to wrong account of dstv,my account is 41192320376 and wrong account is 41192320375
    My account is in the names of Ronnie Nkutu

  44. Please help, I paid into a wrong account on dstv no 701842521 instead of 7018425321.i need to change it to dstv no 4258449450.

  45. Dear Akindele, it is a pity this happened and we regret your inconveniences. However, GOtv and Startimes are two different services and do not share any payment system in common. Therefore, I do not think it could be reversed because neither Startimes nor GOtv returns money in cash. If both were owned by same company or system,. then reconciliation may be very possible.Once again, I am very sorry about this. Be careful next time when making payment.

  46. Pls help, I paid into gotv account which number is 2009564745 instead of startime account which number is 01831178064.i will be greatful if u can reverse the money to startime account.thanks

  47. Hello Faith, I am sorry for the inconveniences this might have caused you. Kindly contact MultiChoice Help desk directly on this number 012703232 for immediate resolution of the issue. Thank you

  48. Please I paid for gotv value instead of gotv plus and was charged 1900 for gotv plus I need to change to gotv plus

  49. Hi my name is George phakathi with I’d number 7903165432087.I paid into a wrong account. i paid into 87851320 instead of 85871320.Please help.

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