Just recently, Apple launched its latest video streaming platform. The technology world heralded the cash-shattering project as enthusiasts awaited its launch. Indeed, Apple sank billions of dollars into the project. However, recent times have seen a gradual global shift from the regular cable TV to more virtual wireless platforms. This is the dawn of the internet streaming and mobile TV. According to new studies, these two online and wireless entertainment platforms are beginning to pose great threats to cable TV in homes. They are more flexible, cheaper, fits into multiple devices, covers more programs, videos and channels.
Its no gain saying that the internet video streaming industry has enjoyed trillions of dollars in investment globally. However, they are also reaping favorably from billions of subscribers to its technology. Netflix and other tech giants have been topping the list of gainers before Apple joined recently. In Africa, what do we have?

Where is Africa in the Unfolding Streaming and Mobile TV Race

Africa admittedly has not advanced in internet free space and access. The cost of accessing the internet is still high in Africa. Even Nigeria and South Africa – two Africa’s biggest TV markets cannot boast of a viable market for video streaming technologies. Africa had remained in its comfort zone – digital satellite TV and terrestrial TV (Cable TV). However, I am afraid because wire-connected TV are now fast losing ground to the emerging video streaming and mobile TV markets.
Nigerians, South Africans, Africans in general appear willing to pay the price of expensive internet access just to enjoy the trending video streaming technology of Netflix, Apple, others and recently too – TV2GO.

DStv, Startimes, Others Join the Streaming platforms

Certainly, the trending shift to internet TV cannot be ignored. Nigeria and the rest of Africa are fast gaining the enabling infrastructure to assess internet streaming and mobile TV services. There is 4G network coverage everywhere in Africa today. Furthermore, the governments and private sector are already laying structures to join the rest of the world including the United States on 5G network.
Already however, pay-TV providers such as DStv, Startimes and others have launched their online streaming platforms. In a bid to carry their subscribers along on the go, the DStv Showmax and the Startimes ON for DStv and Startimes respectively came alive. Today, there have been so many new internet streaming and mobile TV platforms in Nigeria and rest of Africa. Most are surprisingly very affordable and reliable.


TV2GO Internet Streaming and mobile TV Spreading Across Africa

TV2GO is a free internet-based or web TV that streams from mobile phone internet browsers. Recently launched in South Africa, the company known as Infinity SA promises to make this new Free-to-Air TV available in the whole of Africa – beginning with South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya.

How to Watch TV2GO

The new TV2GO currently has no mobile App. It uses only web browsers and you don’t need any subscription to access it. This means that it is absolutely free. Just search the link and start watching TV2GO once your phone connects to internet.
The owner of the TV2GO free-to-air TV Infinity SA announced that it does not intend to make money from any subscriptions rather, from adverts alone. The company maintained that it is likened to having eight advert spots for every three hours of view.

Packing Up Wires, going Wireless

The future of the conventional TV on the digital satellite and terrestrial platforms may be bleak. With faster and cheaper internet technologies, internet streaming and mobile TV are gradually creeping into the fabrics of our society. Many homes are packing up wires, antennas and dish, to give way for mobile and internet live TV and video streaming. However it turns out, only time would tell.
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Tue Mar 26 , 2019
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