This article explains how to set your DStv remote control to work for ExtraView. ExtraView on DStv involves two or three decoders integrated into one aaccount and interconnected so that you pay for one decoder and view all decoders involved. It is cheaper and more entertaining to have all your rooms connected to a single account. Therefore, this article simplifies the DStv Extraview remote control settings. Now let us jump in. One major challenge in DStv Extraview setup is to program the remote controls to work on the different TV sets. The DStv Extra-view (XtraView) usually involves two, three or […]
In this article, you will learn how to use all the buttons on the DStv remote control for all decoder models. I took special time to highlight all single buttons, while explaining what they do and how to apply each. At the end of this article, you will find using your DStv decoders very easy and enjoyable. This article describes in simple terms the functions of all buttons on the DStv remote control. Are you having challenges operating your DStv decoder remote control? Maybe you just got a new DStv decoder pack and you are still learning how to […]
Have you ever had your DStv decoder malfunction that has defiled all solutions? Maybe you have changed your DStv wires, called in several installationand service technicians, taken the decoders for possible repairs yet, the problems persisted? The solution is simple – a simple light turned off might resolve all those decoder malfunctions. Cable and satellite TV technology engineers have uncovered some shocking revelations that infra-red light sources affect your DStv decoders as well as other TV decoders, causing them to malfunction. This effect is known as the IR Interference. There are many infra-red emitting light sources always around us, which […]
The new DStv HD Single View 5 Series Decoder is the latest in MultiChoice DStv innovative technology on decoders. It has come with a lot of differences in design, functions and smart connectivity from other existing decoders. One marked feature is the fact that it does not have space for RF Coaxial connections – only HDMI. This has caused a lot of doubts concerning the new DStv HD 5 Series decoder’s ability to ExtraView. You may want to read up…HOW TO CONNECT, CONVERT HDMI SIGNALS TO RF OR COAXIAL CABLE SIGNAL FORMAT EXTRA VIEW FOR DSTV HD DECODER 5 SERIES […]
So many users of single cable or satellite TV decoders like the DStv, MyTV or Startimes etc who wish to connect many TVs have been wondering how possible it could be to change the channels they view from the extra Televisions. Well, it is very possible and easy. This post will explain in most simple terms how you can change or control the TV channels you view from the other extra TVs connected to your single satellite, terrestrial or cable TV decoder. Virtually all types of TV signal decoders can be employed in the splitting of signals to view on […]
This post shows you how to delete message envelops that appear on your DStv TV screen. You are likely reading this post because it annoys you to occasionally see such symbols like an envelope appear on the side of the TV screen. The mail envelops wont just go away. They make your TV screen darken as a way to notify you of a new inbox messages. DStv uses the decoder mail inbox to notify subscribers about any new update, promotions, subscriptions and account situations. Therefore you are going to learn in this article how to delete or remove DStv envelop […]
presently, all digital satellite decoders and some terrestrial decoders have automatic software upgrade features due to technology. As a result, they have the ability to detect available newer version of the decoder software. However, they do not only detect rather download and install upon user command. but there is a close relationship between software upgrade and decoder health. Therefore, It is very important your decoder runs on the latest software version for optimal performance and security. Having gone digital, satellite and terrestrial TV providers thought it wise to engineer decoders that would perform this operation without stress. However, this advancement […]
JoyTV is another digital satellite TV broadcasting service received by means of a specially encoded satellite decoder. Like the MyTV and few others, JoyTV is known for its free-to-air channels as well as its wide range of sports and movie programs on its platform. In my previous post, I gave out the complete decoder and satellite settings for MyTV. JoyTV is similar in a lot more ways to MyTV especially in their transmission technology. A good knowledge of how to install MyTV will also simplify your JoyTV installation tasks. Installing a JoyTV Satellite Dish Like I explained for the installation […]
Too many subscribers who own the DStv dual view decoders do not really bother to set up their decoders to show two different TV channels as supposed. There are too many reasons which may include lack of technical know-how, financial constraint to pay for the dual channel service etc. Surprisingly, findings have shown that many subscribers actually pay for the dual TV channel service for their dual view DStv decoders but fail to get the value for their money due to one or more of the reasons listed above. However, this post will explain how to set up your DStv dual […]
Every home has electronic devices like the TV which you operate by help of remote controls. But what happens when suddenly your TV stops responding to its remote control? Perhaps you recently purchased a new TV with brand new remote controls or changed series of remotes which occasionally stops working without good reason. Most times, it does not mean that your remote control is damaged, but it may surprise you to know why it stops working. Now I shall let you know the reasons your remote control instantly stops working. INFRA-RED BEHAVIOR TO DISTANCE AND OBSTRUCTIONS As you may know, remote controlling […]