Maybe your Startimes is showing “Signal Lost” or “Connection Lost” or “Service Scrambled” or “No Signal”. Whatever it may be showing on screen that suggests that your Startimes has lost its signal connection, this post is for you. Today, you will learn the secret simple ways to restore Startimes signal connection whenever your decoder or antenna losses connection. There are two types of Startimes in use today – the Startimes Antenna which uses Ariel local antenna for terrestrial signals and the Startimes Dish which uses digital satellite signals. However, this post will treat how to fix signal problems or connection losses for the Startimes Antenna and the Dish Startimes. Before we let you in how to restore Startimes signal connection for both the antenna Startimes and Dish Startimes, it is better to understand how the signals for both types of Startimes come.
If you are using Startimes and you have an outdoor antenna with iron spikes, then what you have is the Antenna Startimes. However, if you have a round spacial dish-like pan installed and directed to the sky outside, then what you have is a Dish Startimes. Let us understand now how we receive the signal connections from Startimes for antenna Startimes connections.
The antenna as we call them are Ariel devices that intercept electromagnetic waves or signals from transmitting masts. This signals in transmission from masts are digital in nature and are also terrestrial in nature. This is why another name for antenna Startimes is Terrestrial Startimes. The Startimes you watch at home using an Ariel antenna are possible when your Antenna picks up the terrestrial Startimes signals and transmits them down to the Startimes decoder for unlocking or decoding. This format of signals posses already locked in frequency of transmission and only needs a device that can intercept that frerquency to pick it up. This is what the Startimes antenna does. With the help of the decoder, it is decrypted and displayed on TV screen for viewing.
However, this form of terrestrial digital signal are less rich than their digital satellite formats as we see in the Dish Satellite of Startimes. As a result, they can carry less data – Standard Definition videos and audio, no interactivity etc. However, they are crystal clear for an SD TV imaging.
Startimes Signal connection and reception for terrestrial antenna Startimes is largely limited to where there is signal reach from transmission masts. The right decoder to receive terrestrial antenna Startimes signals is the Startimes HD Decoder.

The Dish Startimes or Satellite Startimes signals are richer and accessible from anywhere there is satellite signal coverage. This is available in most countries where there is satellite coverage for Startimes. This implies that it is easier to receive Dish Startimes signals from most regions or countries than the antenna Startimes terrestrial. As long as you have the right Startimes satellite Settings, which includes frequency, azimuth, polarization and the appropriate dish and accessories or devices, you will receive the Startimes Satellite signals on your Startimes Satellite Decoder, which you can also call the Startimes Combo Decoder.
Now that you can distinguish between the signals from antenna Startimes and Satellite Dish Startimes, let us now see how you can fix or restore Startimes signal connection losses when it occurs.
Every signal loss is as a result of change in antenna or dish direction, wire or hardware disconnection, device malfunction, signal source downtime or bad weather. This last option – bad weather most affects the satellite Dish Startimes because it is on the KU Band satellite Signal transmission mode. However, all causes of signal connection loss in Startimes can occur at any time. To resolve Startimes Signal losses or connection losses, please take these options one after another and check through the list. You will be sure to hit a solution and get your Startimes signals back by the time you run through all of them.
- Change in Antenna or Dish Direction: For the Antenna, gently turn the antenna slowly until you can pick up signals again.
- Wire or hardware disconnection: check through from the Coaxial cable to the antenna and down to the decoder to confirm if there is any breakage or physical disconnection. Reconnect appropriately.
- Device Malfunction: Sometimes, your decoder or antenna may malfunction. This could be as a result of long usage, electricity damages etc. For instance, the effects of broken antenna on signal reception is undeniable. The LNB on the dish satellite may go bad due to lightning strikes or electricity high voltage. However it has happened, try to replace damaged parts to regain lost Startimes signals.
- Bad weather: This is a naturally occurring phenomenon that no one can stop. However, the Dish Startimes is more susceptible to bad weather than the antenna Startimes. As long as Startimes Satellite keeps transmitting via the KU Band, bad weather will continue to cause bad signal or connection losses. After the rains or windstorms, you can regain or restore Startimes signal connection.
- Signal Source Downtime usually happens when signal is out from the transmission masts source or primary satellite. This is very rare as the downtime do not usually occur. However, they would happen during system maintenance, or vandalism.