When you forget your MyTV decoder password, here is how to unlock it. In this article, I simplified how to unlock MyTV decoder password even after you have forgotten your PIN numbers. I described the procedures and stages of unlocking the MyTV decoder in order to make it simple for you to understand. Certainly, it is very important to learn how to manage your decoder security PIn for safe viewing and other technical needs. Now let us jump in to unlock your MyTV decoder password.
Forgetting your decoder PIN is very possible and when it does occur, you may need to find a way to unlock it. This tutorial shows how you can easily unlock MyTV decoder password, even when you have forgotten the PIN. You no longer have to worry if you have forgotten the password to your MyTV decoders as the steps in this article will help you unlock it. Furthermore, it is important to maintain a personally well-known password because of the problems associated with forgotten PIN password. All MyTV service platforms need content view protection and this is what password channel lock offers. Whether on subscription of MyTV free-to-air, it takes a content locking system to make the view kiddies’ friendly.

Unlocking MyTV STRONG decoder Password
The MyTV STRONG satellite TV decoders are known for deeply integrated security features. This is shown in the use of passwords in assessing most features on strong decoders such as MyTV Parental Control, security settings, installation settings etc. You may have had the problem of forgetting your password used in assessing your MyTV strong decoders and I am sure you know the implications.
Therefore,, thus post will guild you to learn how to unlock forgotten password for MyTV Strong decoder or satellite TV receiver.
There are common situations, which could make you want to unlock your MyTV decoders. One is that you may forget your MyTV decoder password. Another may be a situation whereby wrong password was imputed more than three times. Consequently, MyTV STRONG decoders instantly lock, if it encounters wrong password over three consecutive times. Therefore, let me guild you to unlock MyTV decoder password and also reset the receiver to the default PIN. Do not forget that you can also choose to reset the MyTV password to any new password of choice. The steps to unlock forgotten MyTV passwords, reset to default or change to desired passwords work for all models of STRONG decoders as well as software versions.
Steps to Unlock MyTV Decoder Password (Forgotten or not)
- Press MENU on the MyTV decoder remote control. The menu button is usually found at the lower bottom of the remote controller.
- Along the MENU opens, scroll to SYSTEM SETTINGS and click to open.
- Below System Settings, scroll to SECURITY SETTINGS and click to open.
- At this point, a PIN or Password is required to proceed and assess the Sub-menus. Enter 0103 to unlock. All Strong Technologies devices (all models of STRONG receivers accepts 0103 as general PIN to unlock security features).
- As the security settings section opens, scroll to CURRENT PASSWORD, select it and enter 0103 again.
- Proceed to NEW PASSWORD , select it and this time, input 0000. This shall be the default password of your strong receiver / decoder.
- Continue to VERIFY PASSWORD and select it. Also enter the same 0000 to confirm your default password.
- Finally, press EXIT on your remote controller to close the password page. This saves the unlock password (0103), and returns your STRONG decoder to the default password status (0000).
Congratulations, your MyTV decoder STRONG is free from dangers of forgotten password issue and is now ready to accept a customized new password known to you alone. You may now read up: Procedure to Change or Customize Your default or old MyTV Strong Receiver Password
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