If you own a DStv HD decoder, Explora or PVR, this article teaches you how to do Extra-View on all DStv HD decoders. This tutorial covers the connections, settings and all accessories required to extra-view DStv HD decoders of all decoder models.
Extra-view DStv HD decoders are now very possible and easy. Extra-view is a type of connection, which allows for the linking of two or more decoders in one account while paying for one. Interestingly, the DStv HD decoders – Explora and Zappa are now used in extra-view setup. They can either be used in themselves or in combination with other models of decoders. However, this tutorials will concentrate on Extra-view DStv HD connections involving two zappa decoders. The connection and full settings are provided in this article as well.
All Possible Connections with Extra-View DStv HD Decoders
Aside the Explora, the DStv Zappa decoders are currently the most widely used digital satellite TV HD receiver in Africa. The DStv HD is Extra-View compatible, which means you can connect the HD Zappa in an Xtra-View setup. However, here are the possible Extra-view connections you can link using HD decoders from DStv;
- connect DStv HD zappa to another Zappa HD
- DStv Zappa to Explora
- HD Zappa to DSD 1132, 1131 and the 1110 decoder models.
- Explora to HD Zappa
- the Explora to DSD 1132, 1131 and the 1110 decoder models
- link HD PVR to DSD 1132, 1131 and the 1110
- HD PVR to Zappa
- Explora to HD PVR
- connect HD PVR to another HD PVR
If you wish to know more about all these decoder models listed above, see All DStv Decoder Models article.

But The New HD Decoders have no RF-IN and OUT
In this article DStv Smart Connect the Diplexer to Link Explora decoder to the HD Zappa, complex connections were explained in details. The article explains how you can connect decoders that do not have the RF-IN and OUT ports in an Extra-View or other smart connections.
Therefore, you shall learn how to link Extra-View on DStv HD Zappa decoders setup. This is simple and unique in the sense that it happens to be a straight-forward connection flow, using a Smart LNB. Furthermore, you do not need Diplexers in this type of connections involving two Zappa decoders. Let us see how the connection is done.
How to Connect the Extra-View for Two Zappa Decoders
A smart LNB projects two wires or cables that runs directly into each LNB-IN port of the two DStv HD decoders. You may ask – what about the DStv Extra-View Heartbeat?
what happens is that the wires flowing from the smart LNBs have two functions – for satellite signal transmissions to the decoders and for Heartbeat communication between the decoders. The Heartbeat communicates through the smart LNB. That is why the LNB has to be really smart.
In summary, these are the connections steps for linking two DStv HD Zappa decoders in an Extra-View setup;
- Before you begin, please ensure that both decoders have been duly linked into one Extra-View account at any DStv office.
- from the smart LNB, two RF cables are connected.
- the two wires each run to each of the Zappa HD decoders.
- The decoders receive the wires from their LNB-IN signal port
- No more settings are requires as the satellite dish signal and “Heartbeat” begin to flow between the decoders through the smart LNB as shown in the diagram above.
- Congratulations, you have successfully connected Extra-view to two zappa hD decoder.
However, do not forget that the Extra-view marriage need to be done firstly at any MultiChoice DStv office before taking it home to effect these settings.