The world has gone digital! Every aspect of human existence now operates digitally. Whether you agree with me or not, digital technology makes the world go round. Every new invention that adds value to life, check well, has a technology undertone. Of course, security of lives and property now rely ever largely on technology to become successful. We talk about alarm systems, surveillance systems, anti-theft programs, bullet-proof gadgets, information systems and many more, have primary functionalities made possible and efficient through digital technology breakthroughs. How do you think your mobile technology helps you maximize your personal security? Find out!
When I say “mobile technology”, I mean devices which are wirelessly interconnected and which are smart and multi-functional. Your mobile phone is an example. Gone are the days when mobile phones were used solely for calls and short message sending or SMSs. There are millions of smart real-time applications you can install in your mobile phones that helps you maximize your personal security.
I do not intend to advertise or create any unsolicited publicity of any security product but to solely expose you on how to improve on your personal security through the mobile technology. It might interest you to know that in the near future, all wired devices may become obsolete. Wireless connectivity is speedily overtaking the world of security and even espionage. Hence, there is need to flow with the times.
The Surveillance or CCTV Mobile monitors is one mobile technology that allows you to remotely monitor your home or office through the screen of your mobile phone or computer. Your mobile or computer wirelessly receives video data from the CCTV cameras mounted in your home or offices through satellite data linkage or feed. This technology has proven effective especially in the developed countries where it is cheaper to own such high technology devices. But with government and private sector joint initiatives, individuals can begin to have access to this type of hi-tech security devices at subsidized prices. With these CCTV mobile monitors, you can comfortable monitor activities in your homes or offices irrespective of the distance thereby ensuring maximal security of your life and property over a distance.
What about the Automatic Mobile Alarm system. This mobile security gadget works by activating a complimentary device which uses infrared and is triggered whenever movement is dictated within the active coverage radius of its complimentary device’s infrared. This is a futuristic movement-detecting technology which has been enhanced by incorporating the functionality into a mobile platform. With this development, you do not be within sight to know when a foreign body intrudes as the alarm on your mobile phone is triggered whenever the complimentary device’s infrared detects movement.
There are so many other in-built applications in your mobile phones which help safeguard your sensitive personal data, record all incoming and outgoing calls as well as even protect your phone from being stolen. It is not enough to purchase expensive phones only for the sake of show-biz as most Nigerians do. These smartphones have been built for our comfort and security; therefore we need to flow with global pace in putting these special mobile technology applications to the fullest use.