After reading this article, you would be able to manage your GOtv for all types of functions using MyGOtv App. The MyGOtv App is the official GOtv mobile App for the management of subscriptions, package connections, error code clearing, payments etc. Today, this is how to use MyGOtv App to pay GOtv subscriptions, make channels open, clear error codes, reset accounts, change packages, view past payments etc. Furthermore, I shall show you how to interpret your next due date (as in DStv Billing Cycle) for subscription payment or renewal, and to know when your decoder will disconnect. Firstly, you […]
My GOtv App
Today, you will learn the many easy ways to reconnect decoder after subscription payment or subscription renewal. It has been confirmed that millions of cable and satellite TV users still suffer reconnection failures after they had paid for pay-TV package subscription. Most times, the channels are never restored until the next pay-TV billing cycle is due. Do you feel frustrated paying for DStv, GOtv, Startimes, MyTV etc and your channels fail to reconnect even after some days? Maybe you are thinking of packing up that decoder because of the frustrations you faced trying to reconnect your decoder after payment. Do […]
Hello, today I bring to you a very simple solution to the troubles of DStv and GOtv management and control. Although it is indeed simple and efficient, many DStv GOtv users have never bothered to learn this account control method. Fortunately, it will only take you to own a mobile phone, internet and either your DStv or GOtv or both. Personally, I own both DStv and GOtv in my home, but Ive never called customer care for assistant any day. I control my DStv and GOtv accounts with so much ease that wherever I am, I can tell you that […]
Everyday, I receive complaints and assistance requests from thousands of GOtv subscribers over payment and GOtv subscription packages issues. Sincerely, I sometimes get overwhelmed trying to help GOtv users resolve these issues. However, MultiChoice has provided an answer to all your GOtv problems but most users are not aware of it. Today, I bring to you the solution on how to control your GOtv with My GOtv App. Indeed, this mobile application from MultiChoice enables you to control every aspect of your GOtv with ease. This includes payment, choosing a package, reconnecting your account, upgrade / downgrade etc. In this […]