WhatsApp voice note is the audio file created when a user records voice or sound using the WhatsApp Application. Voice note is one of the ways users communicate effectively on the social media platform. It proves to be smarter, flexible and a quicker means to get information across. However, not many people know all the magic and tricks you can do with the WhatsApp voice note. Furthermore, WhatsApp recently activated many new possibilities, features and functions in the App’s voice note. However, most users do not still know how to enjoy them. Therefore, this article will teach you a lot […]

This article clearly teaches how to screenshot on iPhone. No matter the model of your iPhone, this method of doing a screenshot works on all Apple iPhone, including the latest. The iPhone is no doubt the Masters of mobile smartphone technology, blended with super content security and hi-tech features which makes the phone stand out. Little wonder the iPhone is expensive.. In Nigeria and indeed Africa, brandishing any model of the iPhone stands you out. The iPhone has indeed become a symbol status in the continent of Africa as only the rich few can afford it. Just as I showed […]

This post x-rays how mobile software updates keep devices safe and other relevance of keeping device software up to date always. Mobile technology giants always advice users of mobile phones, tablets, computers and  all forms of internet devices to ensure regular software updates on their devices. They maintain that these are the best ways to keep devices safe and secure from viruses and other forms of malicious threats. Furthermore, newer software releases always come with improved security, faster and more efficient functionalities. They also come with bug fixes and a lot more improved features. Most upgrades may become necessary to […]