Android devices are the most widely used operating system for mobile devices in the world today. This is because Android OS is flexible, has customize-able features and wide range of usability. Certainly, the gains of android are huge compared to other mobile operating systems. However, android has its attendant challenges too. Nevertheless, most problems of android can be fixed by flashing. Do not be alarmed. It does not mean flashing a torch light. I will explain what it means to flash a dead android phone to restore it back to life. I shall also show you the procedures involved in […]

To root Android 5.0, 5.1 Lollipop is assuredly the best way to unlock even more features of the device powered with this android OS. Users and mobile phone engineers now see the rooting technique as a veritable means of gaining deep control over what their android can do. Furthermore, rooting android may destroy a device’s warranty while giving better functionalities in service to the user. Therefore, we are looking at how to root android 5.0, 5.1 and other versions. The procedures to root android and the applications shall also be treated in this article. Root Android – Meaning and Implications […]