this article provides reliable safety tips to protect you from digital screen radiation and the dangers it poses. The safety measures against screen radiation came from experts and work exceedingly.
One truth about all digital screen devices is that there are harmful radiations which emits from the screen once the device is in use. According to research, these radiations are directly or indirectly harmful to users of these devices. Today, we shall look at deeper insights into digital screen radiations and the need to minimize it in order to save the future generations. Therefore, let me show you the dangers of digital screen radiation, eye problems it causes and radiation safety practices.
Whether a TV, laptop or desktop computer, smartphone or cellular phones, palmtops or tablets etc, every digital device emits radiations. Furthermore, communication devices such as phones and computers also emit many other forms of radiations. These radiations directly or indirectly cause series of diseases which in many cases led to death. Reported cases of permanent body part impairments due to digital screen radiations also abound. Therefore, there is need to consider the consequence of these radiation emissions when you use your digital communication devices?

Radiation Safety and Technology Evolution
Despite the huge gains in the invention, innovation and evolution of phones and computers, technology has failed to beat the problems of digital screen radiation. Although there are already established radiation safety standards, they are largely inadequate. Radiations continue to pose big health threats to billions of phone and computer users globally. As a result, billions of digital screen users all over the world remain at the mercy of harmful radiations. When you purchase a new phone or computer device, information regarding radiation safety is present on its operating manual. Therefore, ensure you read through your device manual to learn more on radiation safety practices. The present generation needs to adopt this culture n the use of all modern digital devices.
Everyday Devices that Emit Digital Screen Radiations
Virtually all digital devices that have screens emit radiations. However, some emit radiations more than others. Although every standard device have a calculated radiation emitting index, this may not always be accurate. As a result, you may not want to completely rely on information written on the pack of your device. Playing safe is key as prevention is always better than cure. Here are categories of devices that emit screen radiation;
- Mobile phones including smartphones
- Tablets and palmtops
- Computers (Laptops and desktops)
- TV sets, including LCD, LED, all forms of old and new models
Indeed, all digital screens emit screen radiation.
Eye Problems caused by Digital Screen Radiation
Advancements in optical health technology reveals that exposure to radiations from digital phone or computer screens cause eye problems. There are eye diseases such as ocular dryness, ocular hypertension, digital eye strain, radiation retinopathy, macular degeneration etc. The bad news is that once diseases like radiation retinopathy and macular degeneration set in, it is almost irreversible. Unfortunately, there has not yet been a satisfying remedy to these sets of eye conditions. Therefore, it is better to prevent their occurrence than treating them.
Screen Radiation Safety Tips and Guildlines (Safety Measures)
Although there are no comprehensive guildline capable of protecting you from screen radiations, they help a lot. To stay safe from damages of screen radiations, do the following;
- To watch TV, always keep a minimum distance of two meters from TV screen
- Ensure there is another complimentary light source in the environment aside the TV screen light or mobile phone screen.
- Avoid watching TV, browsing computers and phones in dark rooms
- Adjust the brightness and contrast of your digital screen to suit your comfort
- Always blink your eyes at least once every 30 seconds to keep the eyes moist
- Sleep well always
- Wear photochromic eye lenses when in front of a digital screen.
Considering these challenges, what is the health future of phone and computer users all over the world? Being aware of these inherent health challenges caused by careless exposure to phone and computer radiations is the first step to managing the ugly trend. Many young people enjoy the close range use of phones and computers in the dark when radiation emitting is highest. A minute gaze of the eyes on a phone screen would make your eyes dry and hurting. Persistent faze can lead to heightened intra-ocular pressure and possibly hypertension.
Wearing photochromic lenses, regular blinking of the eyes at less than 15 seconds intervals, good diet and regular eye and body exercises are excellent ways to prevent damages due to computer or phone digital screen. The world especially the developing countries like Nigeria stand a greater risk of health damages due to unchecked exposure to phone and computer screen radiations. Technology so far has not left us with much choice.