The iPhone 11 is at this time, the latest phone from Apple. It has long been expected as the tech world waited in anticipation for for the arrival of Apple’s best phone ever. Now the iPhone 11 and its series have finally been unveiled and guess what, its features and specifications would amaze you. Therefore, this articles chronicles Apple iPhone 11 complete features and specifications. It covers the design, screen, camera, storage, processor and operating system. Also, the battery and connectivity as well as the multimedia etc of iPhone 11 from Apple have been treated in this article. Evidently, phone […]
features and specs
Do you wish to know all the features of Samsung Galaxy Note 10? This article details on everything you need to know about the latest Samsung Galaxy Note 10 features. After reading this article, you would be able to know this latest smartphone from the Galaxy Note series of Samsung like the back of your hand. Now let’s jump in. Latest smartphones from Samsung are more than just smart. Because of amazing features present in the new Samsung Note series, the technology of mobile phone has been taken to another dimension. Interestingly, breath-taking is the word, which is used […]
This article highlights best features of Android 5.0 lollipop mobile operating system. Android 5.0 OS for mobile, tablets and other devices is one of the most popular versions in the android market. For the reason that android 5 presents striking features, this article will expose what makes it cool. The Android 5.0 Lollipop is one of the most widespread Operating Systems in present day smartphone technology industry. Although it has been in use and may have seen the emergence of later Android versions, the 5.0 Lollipop enjoys presence in the largest number of smartphone hardware from different mobile communication giants […]
Sometimes, people think all HD TV sets are smart TVs. It is not so. There are clear differences that distinguish between a HD TV and smart TV. It is important that you know what makes a High Definition TV different from a Smart TV for so many reasons. To make good choices during purchase, you need to know what exactly you are buying. This article exposes all the similarities and differences between a smart TV and an ordinary High Definition (HD) TV. Let us jump in. Not all HD TV is a smart TV. This article teaches all the difference […]