In this article, you will learn how to build an antenna that receives free internet from your neighbors and environment. It is very easy and cheap to construct this antenna for free internet browsing from multiple sources. Specifically, this article presents a very affordable technology book that teaches how to build the free internet antenna. This simple but powerful antenna captures internet signals from any WI-Fi network within your locality. However, we shall firstly look at the following brief concepts in order to help us appreciate the free internet antenna book. Consequently, you should better understand how to build the antenna that receives free internet access.
What is Free Internet?
Free internet means unlimited access to a global network of computers and servers at no cost. Although free internet can be obtained from many sources, this post features a book on easy ways to construct a simple antenna that receives internet signals free. However, it may be complicated and expensive to go for internet connectivity via the satellite dish. Here is a simple and cheap book that teaches how to build a free internet antenna. The instructions on this book teaches you to construct the antenna from scratch to finish using locally sourced materials. When completed, your mobile phone and computers can connect to this free internet that flows with fast real-time data speed.

The Book that Teaches How to Build Antenna for Free Internet
The book sells on Amazon just for less than 13 US dollars. Most importantly, it provides the step-by-step guild to build a free internet antenna receiver in the most simple manner. Furthermore, the book shows you how to build from parts, which result in high-gain WI-Fi antennas for free internet. You can source these construction parts from any local electronic shop near you. Just for few dollars, you can buy this book from Amazon and get yourself connected to free internet for free.
Fortunately, the book saves huge money from saving internet service charges. Certainly, most of these antennas can be fully built with just $13 in parts and bits. The most powerful among these ranges of antenna takes only about one hour to build and costs just over $11.
How the Free Internet Antenna Works
The free internet ariel receiver are nothing like the terrestrial antennas. This is so because the knowledge shared in this book is nothing like how to boost TV antenna signals. In fact, the antenna described in this book enables you to connect to those free internet hotspots available anywhere in the world. These antennas built from simple parts, connect by means of WI-Fi technology to free internet sources without hindrance. Most importantly, the book also details on every step-by-step construction and installation. For the reason that this book is promoted on this site, Amazon pays a stipend to us for every purchase.
How the Antenna Connects via Wi-Fi
WI-Fi connections function like electro-magnetics waves. From the study of the WI-Fi wireless technology, only uniquely-built systems such as the antenna can intercept guided signals. The book explains what kind of circuit parts and components the antenna requires. Furthermore, you also learn how to couple the parts and test-run the antenna device.
The antenna works by tracking hotspots available in an area and connecting to them. A hotspot is a concentration of signals within a defined radius and allow for large connectivity. Usually, internet hotspots exist in controlled centers such as schools, churches etc. However, it may not be free to access hotspots. Fortunately, the antenna technology penetrates the hotspot network and connect without any charges. While the antenna does not hack into protected networks, it only connects to hotspots that are not encrypted. However it boosts the strength of the incoming signal, helping your devices to connect and surf the internet free and comfortably.
How to Get this Book
If you wish to build yourself this free and fast internet antenna-receiver, you need to get this book. The book is available on Amazon. However, I can provide you with the direct link so that you can directly purchase it. Therefore, contact me by dropping a comment in the reply box below and I shall get back to you ASAP.
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Who makes a clickbait article to plug a book and then does not even give the name of the book?
Am interested bro