With one GOtv decoder, you can still connect and power all many TV sets in your home. In this article, we shall learn how to connect one GOtv decoder to extra TV points. Certainly, the benefits are very big. You can have all TV in both bedrooms and sitting room, connected to one decoder. With the connection method in this article, the signals to all TV is clear and of high quality sound. Let us see what we have got.
You may be surprised to find this post especially now that MultiChoice has said GOtv decoders cannot be connected to extra TV points. However, this disclosure from MultiChoice installers was based on recommended methods the Multinational pay-TV company proposed to connect a GOtv decoder. Notwithstanding, you will learn in this post how to connect-distribute one GOtv decoder to extra TV points. This is a secret shared by freelance installers, which has been verified.
Interestingly, the ingenuity of freelance satellite and terrestrial TV installers may have broken the jinx. They have found how to connect and distribute one GOtv decoder to extra TV points in a home. Do you wonder why MultiChoice denies this possibility, while freelance installers affirm? This is because the devices that can distribute GOtv decoder signals to multiple TV points were not developed by MultiChoice. Therefore, while it is very possible by the help of these decoder signal distributor devices, the owners of the GOtv brand has indemnified themselves from consequences that may arise as a result of using these devices on their decoders. However, the fact is that the signal distributors work.
Devices For Connecting Extra TV Points to One GOtv Decoder
One of such is a portable device known as AV-RF converter? Impressively, this very small device transforms the audio-visual (AV) outputs of a GOtv decoder into the RF format. This way, signals can be picked up from extra TV points via the common coaxial RF wires. In fact, this is the device most commonly used by installers to convert AV signals to RF and other way round. Unfortunately for MultiChoice, this method of distributing decoder signals to extra TV points are most applicable in DStv and most other decoder connections. Today you are learning how to use this device in extending GOtv signals to multiple TV sets. The device is also known as the AV-RF Transponder.
In one of my articles, I showed you the Easy ways to convert, boost and distribute DStv signals to extra TV Points. This knowledge is important in creating extra TV viewing points. This is the same device applied in the GOtv signal connection and distribution. However the process of doing the connections are somewhat different for GOtv. But before that, why not consider reading up how to connect an RF wire to an F-connector. The guild in that post would help you in setting up the connections to multiple TV points using this device.

Step by Step Process to Connect GOtv Decoder to Extra TV Points Using AV-RF Converter
Now pay attention to this connection setup process for extra TV linking of a single GOtv decoder. Behind the decoder, you will see the RF OUT port. In some decoder models, two similar ports for RF may exist. However, ignore these ports because we are only going to tap our out-going signals from the AV ports (red, yellow and white). But how much do you know about the AV wire? You may read details about what an AV wire is.
Follow these steps below to connect and distribute one GOtv decoder to extra TV points. However, this guild is easy, brief and works well for quality pictures and sound. Here are the steps;
- connect your normal AV cords into their respective colored openings. Be careful to observe the color codes, which are red to red, yellow to yellow and white to white.
- run the AV wire down to meet the AV-RF Converter as shown in the image above.
- insert into the AV slots of the device accordingly. Remember that the yellow colored wire usually carries the video signals, while the red and white wires are the left and right audio signal outputs.
- From the RF OUT port of the Transponder device, connect your GOtv output coaxial cable. The coaxial or RF wire is what you need to start distributing the decoder signals to as many TV points as you want. Note that by this method, your main TV has to be part of the distribution feed. This is so, because there is no other AV port to connect to your main TV directly.
How to Distribute GOtv Decoder Signal after AV to RF Conversion
Now let us distribute the GOtv decoder RF signal to extra TV sets. The advantage of using the AV-to-RF Transponder is that it not only converts, but also boosts signal quality. Furthermore, the Transponder splits up the converted high quality signals into as many distributive points as you want. However, the longer the signal travel distance, the more likely you may need to add another booster along its path. This is important to maintain signal quality over long distance connections.
In conclusion, it is very easy to link up all TV sets in your home to a single GOtv decoder. By using the Transponder, you can maintain high quality picture and audio signals over long distances. If you however encounter any challenges while doing the connection, contact me through the comment box below.
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Dear Samuel David, GOtv still does swap for its customers’ faulty decoders. However, any dealer store that says they no longer do it may be as a result of not having any swap decoder for replacement as at that moment. Therefore, you may check another dealer branded GOtv office or check back same shop another time.
Secondly, GOtv has launched a new GOtv HD decoder and its on sale now at the rate of NGN 8,900. MultiChoice may decide to stop issuing swap decoders as a way of encouraging customers to buy into the new GOtv HD decoder now on sale. You may read up the features of the New GOtv HD decoders here…NEW GOtv HD DECODER NOW IN NIGERIA
I went to gotv dealer shop to do swop they said gotv no more do it again is it true? I will also need a normal number to connect with gotv here in port Harcourt
Dear sir, Thanks so much for all this informations. Pls I wish to know if you can view different channels on the multiple Tvs connected to single gotv decorder with the help of AV-RF Transponder. Thanks so much as I await your corrensponding mail.