It is now very dangerous to use Windows 7 operating system on any computing device. Do you wonder why it is now unsafe to use Windows7? I shall tell you in this article. Starting January 2020, Windows 7 must be removed from any device, especially any system used for sensitive data processing and management. With what Microsoft had done recently, no one should ever use this operating system anymore. But what has Microsoft done that people should stop using Windows 7? Let us jump in to unravel what has happened to Microsoft Windows 7 operating system.   Microsoft No longer […]

The world’s leading software manufacturing giant Microsoft has officially admitted shutting down the anti-virus security software or protection system in Windows 10. This action according to Microsoft was to initiate an upgrade which activated defense systems that would make Windows 10 more secure for its users. Disabling anti-virus protection in windows 10 was a temporary measure to scale up the security features of the the Windows operating system. But why did Microsoft disable the only protection users of windows had to pave way for what was not already present? Also, what was it Microsoft was seeking to achieve by this […]

You can now do free WhatsApp call using a Windows mobile phone. Aside being able to chat, Windows phones now operate free video and voice calls on the social media platform – WhatsApp. This is a major breakthrough with users of the Windows phones. Before now, they could not do most things android phone users could do. But today, there is no difference. Let me show you inthis article how you can do free WhatsApp calls using a Windows phone. Before this time, users of phones with the Windows Operating System had been able to install and use the WhatsApp. […]