Freelance DStv and GOtv installers have blabbed about too many super connectivity issues. Among many others, they boast they could distribute GOtv decoder signals to multiple TVs. These installers even show how they would do it and how they did it. Some installers say extending GOtv decoder signals to extra TV points may not ordinarily be possible. But because of some independently developed devices, multiple TV connections for GOtv has become easy. Prior to writing this article, MultiChoice says its impossible, private installers say it is. This article reveals MultiChoice GOtv decoders extra TV connections in simple and quick steps.
However, this confusion had left so many users of GOtv wondering how they could link their GOtv to all the TV points in their homes. Certainly, such connection type would save cost by letting users subscribe only to one decoder for all TV points.
GOtv is arguably the cheapest terrestrial pay-TV services in Africa. Furthermore, it has the richest TV content. Consequently, there is high degree of patronage and market penetration for GOtv packages. However, most users buy only one decoder per home, which is why many would love to link all their TV points to a single DSD. Surprisingly, the signal distribution connections worked, but with the aid of some signal distributor devices.

Our Investigations on GOtv Extra TV Connections took time out to inquire from MultiChoice, the workability of GOtv extended connections. We also visited some major dealer offices across Nigeria. We wanted to know if linking a GOtv decoder to multiple TVs at same time works. Would there be some models of GOtv decoders that work? Would there be consequences when we utilize such connection mechanisms? Please read on to find out.
What MultiChoice says about GOtv Connections to Multiple TVs
Despite claims by private installers to multi-link GOtv to many TV points, MultiChoice maintained that it is not possible for now. MultiChoice told DIGITECH MEDIA through one of its Chief accredited installers, that all GOtv decoder models currently in use were not programmed to distribute signals to extra TVs from its RF-OUT port.
But is this really what the freelance installers really mean? They claimed that even though you might not pick any signals from GOtv RF-OUT port, there are many devices that distribute GOtv decoder signals.. Consequently, we went round to find out how freelance installers actually do the magic of distributing GOtv decoder signals to TVs.
Installers’ Position
Meanwhile, a chief installer with MultiChoice finally opened up. He admitted that there are improvised devices that distribute GOtv decoder signals to multiple TVs. However, MultiChoice indemnifies itself from the use of those devices. The accredited installer clearly stated that MultiChoice would not be held liable for any damage or unwanted consequences, arising from the use of any device not promoted by the company. The GOtv decoder is not like its satellite decoder counterpart, considering many ways to distribute DStv and other signals to all rooms and TV points in a home.
Therefore, extending GOtv decoder signals to extra TV points works, only when you apply some devices to it. However, GOtv cannot be used in Extra View connections. Officially, it is not recommended by MultiChoice. According to the pay-TV Multinational brand, it is one GOtv decoder unit to one TV. But freelance installers seem to have found some ways to spread GOtv signals to many TVs.