You may have seen internet users complain that their data subscription plan is very slow or does not even connect successfully. You may have had a direct experience of purchasing a data promo or bonus data offer from your network service provider only to discover that you find it difficult to browse or surf the internet successfully. In many scenarios, ordinary chat services like WhatsApp and others may not even work. Yes, this is an everyday occurrence in Nigeria and the reasons are obvious. In this post, I shall let you know why this happens and thus suggest a solution for you.
Unfortunately, subscribers speedily rush into special bonus data or promos as soon as it is declared by any service provider in Nigeria. These data bundle promotions or bonus are very attractive and cheap but underneath lies many deficiencies. Nigerians usually prefer it cheap and jumbo. They want to maximize the value for their money for any data bundle subscription made. Now, this is what happens which makes the whole data promo or bonus offer gesture counter productive.
For every data bundle platform created, there is a bandwidth. This is a kind of space allotted to the platform which accommodates subscribers on that platform. So long as this bandwidth is not used up, every subscriber on that data bundle platform will enjoy efficient data flow hence good internet surfing experience. Unfortunately, when a large number of subscribers besiege a particular data promo bundle, the bandwidth is used up in no time and consequently, all subscribers in that platform suffer from data congestion. Similar to a traffic jam, data flow is made impossible. Network providers or Telecom giants in Nigeria should do well to better their technology and expand the bandwidth allotted to every data bundle plan so that even if the entire 160 million Nigerians get on, everyone would still enjoy speedy data flow.
Because of these problems which have persisted, I strongly recommend that you stick with conventional data bundle plans. Much subscribers are not attracted to these plans because they are relatively less affordable compared to promotional or bonus data bundle offers. Consequently, their bandwidths are freed up which allows you maximum data speed whenever you surf the internet. Hence, you are assured of efficient internet surfing experience whether you are using a mobile device or a computer.
Secondly, you may not be able to roll over your unused promo data bundles or special offers by the end of the month if you wish to reverse to conventional data bundle plans. This makes you loose whatever data you may still have and therefore waste of money. After all, the price difference between the normal data bundle plans and their promo counterparts are just little. Therefore, I think it is “penny wise, palm foolish” to always subscribe to promotional data bundle offers instead of the free-flowing normal data bundle plans.
I know you may have your opinion on this issue – I would love to hear you. Simply comment below to make your inputs. Also, never forget to share this piece of information with friends on your social networks.