You have installed your terrestrial TV antenna and raised it high up, yet your signal drops. Maybe you tried pointing to all directions but still receive weak signals. In this post, you will see how to boost TV Antenna signals – maintenance secrets. Unfortunately these secrets of maintaining TV antennas are either largely unknown to users or ignored but works like magic in boosting signal strength and quality. But I am happy you are reading this post now, after which you would never suffer poor antenna signal reception anymore.
Mounting TV antennas very high up in the sky improves signal reception. Obstructions like buildings or trees around antennas also disrupt signal reception. How about the effect of broken antenna on signal reception? These are some major reasons your antenna lose signals. Certainly, you need to learn the secrets I am about to share in this post to easily boost and maintain your TV antenna signals.

Antenna Models Affected by these Maintenance Secrets
The secrets of maintaining TV antennas that boost TV signals, affect all types of ariel antennas. We have the terrestrial antennas and the over-the-air (OTA) antennas among others. The GOtv and Startimes signal receivers are examples of digital terrestrial antennas. The pointer cable of CTL, which was known as “Trend TV” is also an example of terrestrial antenna. However, the common old school spiked outdoor devices, which receive free UHF and VHF local channels are instances of OTA antennas. Due to advancements in the technology of digital TV signal reception, there are now new cheap OTA antennas for free TV channels. Now that you know your antenna is affected, let us return to the secret ways of maintaining TV antennas to boost signal reception.
Two Antenna Faults that Require Maintenance to Boost TV Signal
There are two other neglected secrets in the maintenance of TV antenna. They are different from the antenna installation mistakes and broken spikes, which have already been mentioned. These two TV antenna maintenance secrets are dust pile-up and green algae growth removal.. Please read on to find out how these two bio factors affect TV signal receptions on antennas.
According to some bio research findings, every surface including antenna spikes have deposits of organic matter.. These include dust, which pile up as the antenna remains in use over time. The green algae usually grows on wet walls or any damp surface that has organic matter. Therefore your antenna must suffer from these two causes as long as it has been used outdoor over a long period. Regrettably, TV antenna signals are made weak or completely disrupted when you ignore these two natural causes.
How Dust and Algae Affect TV Antenna Signal Reception
Terrestrial and OTA TV signals transmit in the form of special radio waves. The silver-colored metal spikes of the antennas pick up these radio waves. There must be sufficient surface area, for antenna-signal contact or interception to occur. That is why it is important to ensure maximum exposure of the antenna metals. The enemies of antenna surface area are dust and algae, which are reasons signal reception suffers. Signal losses caused by dust and algae growth occur regularly, because they are natural causes
Observe Dust and Algae on TV Antennas
If you have used a TV antenna for some years, you are most likely to experience this kind of signal weakness or loss. Now follow these steps to fix these signal challenges;
- bring down your antenna from its mounted position.
- Notice that the metal spikes have lost their shine and lustre.
- Also notice that some parts are starting to turn green, while the antenna feels heavily laddened with dust. If your wire connections are OK and the antenna is not broken anywhere, then the causes of your signal problems are what you just noticed.
How to Fix TV Antenna Issues to Boost Signal
To restore the activeness of your weak TV antenna caused by dust and algae, do the following;
- from the F-Connector point of attachment to the antenna, disconnect the coaxial cable wire
- provide clean water, iron sponge or sandpaper and soap
- wash off the dust and the green algae from the antenna spikes until the regain their shine and metallic lustre.
- Allow the antenna to dry before reconnecting the cable wire
- Remount the antenna, while observing need for height and proper positioning.
You have solved the problem of signal loss caused by dust and algae growth on TV antennas.
Perfect said